
Get The Most From Your Display

Getting noticed at large events can be hard. Let’s face it, there’s a lot of competition at exhibitions and trade shows and there will always be other companies with larger budgets and enviable display stands and marketing materials. Regardless of your budget though, your display materials are key to making an impact and ultimately helping the success of your event. You need to hold your own alongside your competitors and attract prospective customers to your exhibition stand. Well-designed display materials will help you do that so here are some helpful tips to improve your chance of success:

Get the design of your display materials wrong and you will be missing a huge opportunity, get it right and you will reap the benefits wherever they are used. As well as design, many things need to be considered including style, layout and content. Understand your message, consider what you want to say and how it will translate to your target audience. Give your display items as much attention as you would an advert in a newspaper or a promotional leaflet. Ensure they promote your brand, products and services in line with your marketing strategy. Effective design will not only get your organisation noticed but will also deliver the right message to your target audience.

When designing a roll up banner position your logo at the top and ensure your core message is also at eye level. It may be your company tag line or mission statement or a special offer or the main product that you are launching or promoting. Regardless of what the message is, the aim is to have the key information at the level best to grab the attention of our prospective customers.

Less is more when designing your display materials. Don’t forget to keep your copy relevant and minimal. Messaging will stand out more when not hidden by other information. Don’t forget you will have your event team present on your stand so the banner is simply to engage the prospective customer, to raise their interest and to draw then onto your stand.

Images are important on banners. Not only will they enhance the look but careful eye catching design and layout will help break up the text and create an interesting visual marketing tool that will help attract a crowd. Ensure any images you use are good quality, high resolution, suitable for large format printing. Remember anything you use will represent your organisation and its products so don’t cut corners here, you need to capture the attention of prospective customers and ensure they come to speak to your team instead of those at the stand next door.

So content, layout and images are important but don’t forget colour. Ensure the colours you choose work well with your corporate colours and logo. Consideration has to be given to colour of the background, text, borders, images so be sure to get your designer to try different combinations as small changes can have great impact. You need to make the most of every element and don’t be afraid to try something new and think out of the box.

You can be so fixed on the copy, layout, colour and imagery that it’s easy to forget to add your contact details! You and your team may not be available to chat to everyone who pauses to read your banner so your contact details will be essential to your visitors. It may sound obvious but include email and website, your telephone number as well as social media channels. Your contact details should be at the bottom of the banner but don’t drown them out, they need to be easily located so you don’t miss out on any valuable business.

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