
Steps For Finding A New Job

Changing career is never easy, but it helps if you know where to start, who to target and how to succeed at interviews. But before starting to find a new job and preparing for interviews, make sure you know yourselfondetail and try to highlight, which are your skills and strengths, that will make you stand out.

Identify a new track. Create a list of career options you think you would really enjoy, not just the ones you think you can do, go further and never limit your thinking. Are you looking for a project management position? HR? or are you looking for a managing director job?

Searching a new job should start with you, not with your CV. Take some time to reflect about things you are good at. Then think about the skills you have chosen up, is there a crossover between the two? If so, use these lists to help you recognize the types of jobs and industries that are more appropriate for you. Go to know yourself and emphasize on your potencies, ask yourself what really motivates you, appreciate your unique skills, abilities and interests.

Make sure you do specific research in order to know what is repetitive and awful about a job, as well as what is great, only then can you decide if it is the right choice for you.

Tidy up your CV

Maintain discussions with recruiters in your sector to know how the perfect CV would be for them. Build your personal marketing pack. Spending a bit more on high quality materials can really make your application stand out.

A good and coordinate image can really impress; it’s not a big investment, however, it could pay bonuses. Impression comes from strong words, having a clear and logical layout, and detail about what makes you special. Have some trusted friends to give you trustworthy feedback.

Do not forget to include a cover letter; there are important surveys, which have shown that cover letters are seen by almost 50% of recruiters as being equally important as the CV itself. Create a template cover letter and modify it to suit your needs, including one allows a little more of your personality to shine through, and an extra platform on which to sell your skills. If you are a technical field you could consider a video CV. Try to customize your CV to the maximum.

Where and how to look?

Go online. Focus on companies you would like to work for. Start by visiting their websites, understanding what they do and looking for employment information. You may find jobs that don’t appear elsewhere online.

You have to demonstrate that you have real interest in the company and real enthusiasm for an organization can make you really stand out. Difficult times require more creative solutions and you will find more options by casting your net more widely. Don’t be put off by commuting.

Apply for jobs above and below the level you are currently working at. It’s hard to generalize, but particularly it switching career, you need to be realistic about the level of opportunity that may be open to you.

Build an online profile. Put your CV online, this will create a strong impression and employers will be able to download it. Use a universally accepted document format if you don’t want to reduce the chances of people being able to access it

Ask for a referral. Try to get as many job referrals as possible, this will increase reliability and improve your image.

At the interview:

Be prepared for common questions. Interviewers often ask the same type of questions, like “Where do you see yourself in five years?” or “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”  “Why are you the best person to do it?”

Rehearsing to a live audience will help you to prepare your interview. The people listening to you will identify where do you need to improve.

Be honest. Don’t forget that many organizations check for references, any inconsistency could lead an employer rescinding a job offer. Do not claim to have degrees or experience that you don’t have.

Find out more information on career advice here.

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Laura is originally from Barcelona, Spain; she is currently living in London, where she moved some years ago for starting a Marketing career. During her spare time she loves attending marketing shows and being updated with digital marketing trends. She is currently blogging for Exec-appointments about Sales Director, Marketing Director, and HR Director jobs.

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