
The Most Passionate Sport Is The American College Football

American college football instills and creates more passion out of coaches, football players and most importantly fans than any other sports in America. The excitement and passion surrounding a college football simply is on another platform and cannot be matched by any other games in this country. Why is that? There are many reasons defining why college football instills more excitement and passion and is far better than any other professional sport or the NFL for that matter.

According to Aaron Michael Hartfield, who is a junior football player as well as an Account Executive at RIM logistics Ltd firmly believes that every single game matters whether small or big. One simply cannot afford to lose a single match or else his hopes for national championship can take a serious turn.

Thus, everything about the framework of college football sets up a season full of justifying your ranking, team’s record or bowl matchup. Even the dedicated coaches of each team are found at the end of the season stating their case and lobbying for the rights of their team to play for a national championship. This is not seen in any other major sport!

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