
Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy and Young

When it comes to maintaining and taking care of your skin, you will always be faced with a dilemma. Most common questions that a dermatologist such as Dr. Kenneth M Reed may be faced with will include problems related to skin moisturizing, scar removal, and treating skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, aging spots, and crow’s feet. Other possible concerns may include visible scars, spider and varicose veins, and skin tightening, etc.

While many people may take skin conditions lightly, it should not be ignored that a glowing and healthy looking skin not only improves your physical appearance socially but also makes you feel more confident and good about yourself. Thus, it is important for you to take proper care of your skin and visit a dermatologist if you notice a skin condition that may need treatment.

As mentioned above, noticing changes in your skin due to aging is one of the conditions that people need treatment with. Dr. Kenneth M Reed , founder and one of the top dermatologists at DermASAP states the possibility of a skin treatment known as Skin Tyte which is performed at the various centers of the clinic.

One of the earliest signs of aging is the sagging or loosening of the skin around the neck of a patient, especially in the jowl and cheeks. The sagging often looks like a double chin and may make you feel conscious about the way you look. Another common area that gets affected with skin sagging is the stomach. As commonly noticed amongst women after pregnancy, the flesh around the stomach loosens as a result of pregnancy and bulges out making you look not-so-confident in your pre-pregnancy clothes.

Though most people consider plastic surgery as the only option to treat such conditions, Dr. Kenneth M Reed suggests undergoing Skin Tyte treatment which is less invasive and time-consuming as compared to a plastic surgery.

Skin Tyte treatment can be used to cure the following parts of the body:

Skin Tyte treatment uses light energy and infrared heat to aim the deeper layers of the skin in order to endorse collagen construction to renovate and revitalize the skin. The human body’s natural healing course results in this newly developed collagen to produce and improve the skin’s tightness and resistance over a period of time.

Skin Tyte treatments are suitable for all types of skin and in all areas of the body. However, as mentioned above, most patients use this technique to treat specific areas of their body such as the neck, face, arms, abdomen, and hips.

Before you undergo the procedure, you must consult with your dermatologist and ensure that you pay attention to the briefing they will provide before they perform the treatment on your skin. Additionally, ask all the questions that you may have related to the procedure so that you are prepared and comfortable about the procedure.

Creating a skincare routine after treatment is also a must. When the doctor recommends to rest your skin first for a few days, refrain from applying any skin care product on your skin. However, you may apply retinol cream, eye cream and other essential products upon healing. Aside from applying anti-aging products, maintaining a balanced diet and having enough sleep is also a must to keep your skin healthy and young looking.

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