Start Your Own T-Shirt Business – Really…Why Not?

Chances are it won’t have escaped your attention that to design and print t-shirts these days isn’t exactly the most difficult thing on earth. According to the experts at, more people than ever before and for enormous variety of reasons are going about their own small and large-scale t-shirt printing endeavours alike. Some print them as gifts, others create their own custom wardrobes and then there are those who like nothing more than giving out brilliantly personal gifts for special occasions.

But how about actually going into business and selling the garments you come up with? After all, millions of t-shirts are sold up and down the United Kingdom each and every day – why not have a go at tapping into this constant and enormous demand?

Start Your Own T-Shirt Business – Really…Why Not?

It sounds like the kind of intimidating plunge the likes of which is appealing on paper, though totally unrealistic in real life. In reality however, it is actually one of the most plausible small business concepts imaginable as really all you need is a decent amount of creative flair, minimum funds to get things off the ground and the services of a quality garment printing business to get the job done.

Still not convinced?  Think about it…

E-Commerce Websites

Technically speaking, the only thing that stands between you and superb success with your garment-selling business is the creation of a website that speaks to the masses. And given the fact that these days it’s perfectly possible to set up a pretty fantastic website with no prior experience and for almost no money whatsoever, it’s really never been more plausible to set up your own store.

Of course, you’ll need to have a workable vision and a good idea of the kind of audience you’d like to sell to in mind, but in terms of actually getting things up and running, you’d be surprised how easy it really is.

Nailing a Design

In terms of the actual design itself, this isn’t something to be done about randomly, but rather the kind of thing that should be built around your initial inspiration for going into business in the first place. If you’re looking for just any easy way of making money without investing any real effort in the process, you can forget about it. You need to be creative, you need to be hardworking and you need to put a decent slice of your heart and soul into every step of the process.

The design you come up with can be every bit as simple or elaborate as you choose – just as long as it is a good representation of you, your message and the brand you are establishing. That being said, never forget that there are tens of thousands of freelancers all over the web right now, ready and willing to chip in and pitch their own ideas for absolute minimal costs. So should it be the case that you yourself are somewhat lacking in creative flair, you won’t have much trouble finding someone to the contrary.

Test the Market

Prior to placing an order for 1,500 shirts, it’s a good idea to test the market and to generally see what people think about your idea.  Let’s put it this way – if you have around 2,000 people in your social media contact lists and each of these people has in the region of 2,000 total contacts, that’s a hell of a lot of people within easy reach to both seek feedback from and generally market your ideas to.

You’d be surprised how quickly these kinds of things can go viral – a few people show interest in your shirts, these people influence a handful of their friends to show equal interest in your shirts and the snowball effect is set in motion. Before you know it, you haven’t even placed an order for your first batch of shirts and you already have hundreds of people wanting them.

Quality Counts

Last but not least, over and above all the design prowess, and marketing magic in the world, there’s absolutely nothing that can make up for outstanding quality.  And that applies to the quality of the garment itself and the printing/transfer techniques used to get the design on the fabric.

Even if the design you come up with is genuinely incredible, nobody will be able to take you or your fledgling company seriously if you are putting out terrible quality merchandise. So despite the fact that costs must of course be kept to absolute minimums in the early days, this is absolutely no time to compromise on quality.

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