Why Chinese Students Study In Australia

From year 1978 till the end of 2012, over 2.6 million Chinese studied abroad. This makes China the number 1 source of international students worldwide. In 2012 alone, 399,600 Chinese students left China to study overseas, 22% of them went to Australia, the most preferred destination over all other countries in the world. In a paper published by Central Queensland University, a survey revealed that of students who have made the decision to study overseas 49% of respondents have decided to go to Australia to study, 23% chose the United Kingdom, 15% elected to go to the US and Canada, and the other 13% went to other countries.

Why Chinese Students Study In Australia

Why do Chinese Students Study Overseas in the First Place?

According to astudy, there are three stages involved in the decision-making process of whether a Chinese student will pursue studies abroad:

Stage 1 – Deciding if a student will study abroad

Stage 2 – Choosing a country study destination and university

Stage 3 –   Choosing a course or program

The first and second stages of the decision-making process are strongly influenced by families who are expected to provide the financial support. In a country like China with a one-child policy, most parents are willing to shoulder the cost of a good education, however much of a financial burden it is, just to give their child a good future.

According to a survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China in 2001, education is the 2nd highest family expenditure, next only to food, of over 60% of Chinese families. These families devote a third of their family income for their children’s education, since it is believed that a good education will ensure a good future. A degree from overseas is recognized as proof of a better education that will increase a person’s employability.

The student’s decisions to study abroad are influenced by the factors are:

  • Their need for Quality of education
  • A desire to have international exposure and gain and learn other cultures
  • Difficulty to gain entry in Chinese universities
  • To improve English skills
  • To learn to be independent
  • To become fully equipped for a better future career
  • The perception that overseas education is better
  • The wide range of course and program choices offered by universities abroad
  • To gain a broader life perspective
  • Opportunity to travel
  • Migration opportunity after the completion of their graduation
  • Not satisfied with the Chinese education system
  • Fear of political instability

And why Australia?

Why Chinese Students Study In Australia 

There is a strengthening relation between Australia and China not only in the field of trade but also in the field of education. China is the biggest source of international students of Australia.  In 2012, when Australia generated almost A$14.5 billion revenue from international education, it’s 4th largest export, 46.7% of international students who contributed said revenue were Chinese. Out of 192,600 international students that year, more than 90,000 were Chinese.

According to a study, two principal motivations for Chinese students in choosing Australia as a study destination are:

  • Australia’s High-quality, World Class Education

Majority of Chinese students believe that the quality of Australian education system is world-class, and there is strong basis for such a belief. Some of the top Australian universities are ranked as the world’s bests in prestigious world university rankings such as the QS World University Ranking and the Times Higher Education World University Ranking among others.

  • Student’s Opportunity for Migration After Graduation

Australia’s skilled migration policy is a big attraction to Chinese students since it provides opportunity for a permanent residency after graduation. A lion’s share of these students alleged that their choice of a course or program was influenced by the professions designated in the skilled migration program.

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